Thursday, May 28, 2020

UFP Episode 33: Wampus Reynolds

On this spin around the sun, Brad talks with Norman, Oklahoma's own author Wampus Reynolds. His new book Way I See It is a mystery set in Norman. He talks about finally writing a book, and doing so during a different time, like say a pandemic, and how that can affect your art and life in general. Way I See It is out now on Amazon: Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, you know the drill!

Monday, February 10, 2020

UFP Episode 32: The Okie Show Show

Drum roll please......starring: Brad from UFP......Brian Gililland.......Nicholas Szabo......... and it's Theeeee Okie Show Show! as special guests on this fine episode of the Unidentified Flying Podcast.

Brad shoots the shit with Brian and Nick and learns about the what the Okie Show Show Podcast is (4:04), dealing with too much media to watch like....Star Wars stuff (22:04), trying to get the formula for creating any art like a movie or stand up comedy just right (38:24), the positive culture that should be cultivated when trying to make a living in the film industry (54:39), and looks ahead to what the new season for the Okie Show Show holds and advice Brian and Nick have for anyone thinking about getting into any aspect of the industry (1:17:52).